Meet Our Donors
Forsan et haec olim momisonine juvabit: In days to come you will look back with joy. 3rd year Latin class.
Cathedral High has meant more to me than words can convey, that is why I have chosen to leave a Legacy Gift.
The love and care I experienced during my four years from the sisters and staff were always positive.
My life long faith has it roots from the following experiences: the sermons at mass by Fr. Paul Moritz.
He always ended with a challenge to each of us students, the membership in Our Ladies Sodality, which allowed me to go to the Summer School of Catholic Action in New York, where I got to attend Archbishop Sheens TV presentation. I even got to erase the blackboard, not least the quote from St. Augustine which was on the blackboard during my sophomore year: Our Hearts are restless until they rest in Thee. These words and events have stayed with me all my life.
My ability to speak to groups has its roots in the Debate Club. It taught me how to be an effective presenter. It served me well when I made presentations throughout the world. Also, I was proud to be on the debate team that won Cathedral’s first debate tournament.
Cathedral served me well and also my two brothers who followed me there. My prayer: May God grant that many others will benefit from a Cathedral Education.